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Publisher: Bethany House
Release Date: February 2003
ISBN: 0764226444
Format Reviewed: Advanced Reader Copy
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Genre: Fiction/ Inspirational
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver
Reviewer Notes: Review Two

Troubled Waters (Review One)
By Rene Gutteridge 

     Troubled Waters introduces the reader to Macey Steigal, a woman who has attempted to leave her small Kansas town behind. When her father dies, she forces herself to come back and say good-bye, but ends up being challenged in what she believes and wants for her life. She is flooded with good and bad memories and an overbearing sweet mother who attempts to do everything for her.

     The story line is simple, but author Gutteridge takes this simplicity and makes it her own, writing in such a style that makes a small town funeral emotionally overwhelming to some readers. The character development of Macey and her mother are so life-like, one can picture Macey's mother cooking food to feed an army when there's only herself to eat it. . Troubled Waters takes an amazing look at what could happen when you go back to where you came from; especially when you've been running for years.

     A simple, vivid look at everyday events puts Troubled Waters in a league of its own.

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